The Hunt

Patrick and I have been itching to move for a while now. We’ve only been in our current place for a year, but we realized too late that we had been looking for love in all the wrong places.

Let’s back up. Last time around, we relied mostly on Craigslist. We drove around the streets of LA, desperate to find a one bedroom apartment near the beach. If it was within 4 miles of Santa Monica or Venice, we’d check it out.  One particularly lovely unit was completely devoid of natural light, smelled like mildew, and the raging traffic outside refused to fade into the background as the grumpy landlady promised. Another unit was only 15 blocks from the pier, but when we opened the door to what we thought was a bedroom, it turned out to be the exit. That was when we realized that we could only afford a studio apartment this close to the water.

Again and again, we returned home, dejected and (usually) hungry.
We’d go back to Craigslist, because maybe THIS time would be different.

And then, one night, it was: a beautiful unit with granite counter tops, bamboo floors, a dishwasher AND extra storage. It was $1,400/mo for under 600 square feet (that was huge, right?!) and the street was pretty busy, but we didn’t care! Did I mention GRANITE COUNTER TOPS? We begged to see the unit immediately, raced over at 9 o’clock at night, and signed the lease the next day. Ahhhh, the relief.     

Fast forward to 3 months later: all my furniture and all his grad school work crammed into ONLY 600 square feet (what is this, Manhattan?!) We were pinned between two neighbors who played loud mariachi music one minute, and complained about our faucets running at 10pm the next. When a woman cornered me in the laundry room and accused me of touching her towels, I knew it was time to start looking. Unfortunately, we still had 9 months on our lease.

Now that our lease is FINALLY up, we have begun the hunt. He wants a dishwasher, I want more space. He wants a breeze, I want light. He won’t live on the third floor, I won’t live East of the 405 (I attended school in the Midwest for a total of 7 years. I am NOT moving more than 5 miles from the beach!)  Nothing insurmountable, but the list of “must haves” is definitely growing faster than our paychecks, and we can’t seem to find a place that doesn’t make a jail cell look like an open floor plan. I highlighted side effects of furosemide that can help with what to expect while using the medication in this Lasix Page. Here is a short guide on how to take furosemide properly. If you have other questions regarding the medications, please be sure to click the to get Information about medicine.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:
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FACT 1 Finding an apartment in Los Angeles takes time, so start early.

FACT 2 The amount of money you want to pay will never match the type of apartment you want to rent.

FACT 3 You cannot survive on Craigslist alone.

So, we’re on the hunt, and we are going to be victorious. We’ve added,, and stealthy drive-bys to our repertoire, and we are going to be VICTORIOUS.  We’re going to stalk our prey, release our arrows, pierce the heart and eat the bloody flesh of a two bedroom, two bathroom unit near the beach. All for under $2,100/month.

What?! I really want a great apartment.

Tune in next time to find out if Lauren and Patrick find somewhere to live, or if they end up in a cardboard box like she always expected she would after graduating with a degree in English. 

spoiler alert: We do. We did.

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2 Responses to The Hunt

  1. Sounds like a rough search! I really like Padmapper but I liked it more when it integrated Craigslist. Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to hear about what you found!

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