‘Tis The Season to Make Resolutions

2013Here are my New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t forget to tell me yours in the comments!

  1. READ at least 1 book per week. I have a massive “To-Read” list that includes barely any 2013 releases, so I may have to make some swaps. Anyone who’s interested in seeing the list…let me know in the comments! I believe the lovely Claire Donnelly has the same plan.
  2. Go to YOGA at least once a week. Twice if I can manage it. Juliana Brandt and I are on this train together. Join us!
  3. Find a new JOB that *requires* me to use the skills I went to school to learn. ie writing/research/communication/etc.
  4. Revise SIGHTLESS and begin querying in February/March. Which beings me to my next resolution…
  5. Find an AGENT that is as excited about kidlit as I am! I’ve left this to #5, but it’s really one of the most important resolutions on here. I want an agent so badly that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. No joke.
  6. BLOG more. I like talking to you guys. And I owe you some apartment photos.
  7. WRITE my new Middle Grade novel, tentatively entitled DIVE. I’m really excited about this project. It’s going to have a male main character and will feature some sweet cliff diving! Think Island of the Blue Dolphins meets Avatar.
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  9. TRAVEL to New York. Do I need a reason?
  10. COOK something new once a week. This is going to be hard to stick to, but I *really* want to up my game. How else am I going to land myself a husband?!?!?!?!
  11. Volunteer. I’m thinking either a homeless shelter or with animals. Anybody with great resources for volunteer work in LA…let me know!

What are YOUR resolutions for 2013?

Thanks for reading.



Business Time, Living in LA, Sightless: A Novel in Progress, U.S.

7 Responses to ‘Tis The Season to Make Resolutions

  1. Aviva says:

    volunteermatch.org can help you find a place with the kind of volunteering you want. And I will totally do yoga with you. And go to NYC with you.

    My whole life is resolutions, since I’m starting a new one. Fix up the house, get an agent, get steady acting work in a new city, cut my toenails with a respectable frequency, do a backflip, juggle 5 balls, get better at dancing, start a blog etc etc

  2. Oh, those are GREAT resolutions! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on #5 🙂

  3. Claire says:

    Ohhhh! Good resolutions! Are you using Goodreads for your reading goal?

    I’d love to go to Yoga but it’s way too expensive over here… I’m trying to get a paid internship in July, but apart from that I’m sticking with my day job while interning. There’s just no publishing work in Leeds, it’s all in London. I really wish I could head to NYC… if I could afford to go that’d totally be on my list too.Maybe 2014 will be my year of travel.

  4. Pingback: PRESENTING: The First Weekly Woof! | Lauren Spieller | The Official Site

  5. Wow, you have a serious list! Awesome goals though. You’ve already read mine at http://www.kelleyharveywrites.blogspot.com … about #7, please tell me this means aliens… I LURVE aliens. There are aliens in my book; I need more great company once I get on the shelves which will happen when I conquer my own #5 (which is actually position #1 for me) 😉 Great post.

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