Big News…Biggest News Ever….I HAVE AN AGENT!

I can’t believe I finally get to write this post. I’ve read so many, I’ve even helped pick out .gifs for a few, but nothing comes close to writing my own! So here goes:


AHHHHH!!! Want to know who it is? You’ll have to keep reading! Here’s the story, in as few words as possible:

I wrote a book, it was meh. I wrote another book. It was better, MUCH better, but still…something was missing. That’s when I started my third book, CAPTIVE. Here’s what it’s about:

Having stolen money from her pimp, seventeen-year-old Ginger needs protection now. Good thing her neighbor’s door is always open. But when southern hospitality takes a turn for the strange and sickening, Ginger must escape the one house she thought would keep her safe.

Dark? Yes. I knew it was going to be a challenge to find an agent who was willing to represent a book I was describing as “SHARP OBJECTS for teens,” but I had faith! So I entered Pitch Wars, an awesome contest run by Brenda Drake that pairs mentors (agented/published authors) with mentees (writers looking for agents). I submitted my pitch and my sample, and crossed my fingers. Low and behold, I was lucky to be paired with not one, but TWO writers. Say hi, Lindsay Currie and S.P. McConnell!

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We worked for a month on my first 250 and my pitch, honing it until it was sharp enough to draw blood. When the time came, I received two full requests and a partial request! I couldn’t believe it. Still, there were some agents who weren’t participating in Pitch Wars, and I wanted to have an opportunity to query them, too. So I sent out a few more queries…and then a few more. And I got requests! It was a dream come true.

Long story short, and I ended up receiving an email out of the blue (because these things are always sudden, aren’t they?) from an agent I had been a HUGE fan of for years. He was the dream agent, the “ivy league” of agents, the WHOLE ENCHILADA. We immediately had “The Call,” during which he told me how much he loved the book, how he would be a “fool not to offer me an offer of representation,” how he already had multiple editors in mind for my dark, twisty little book.

It was a no brainer, really. This was everything I’d been waiting for. My own personal literary fairy tale. I immediately called Juliana and we had a virtual SQUEE over the phone.

Boy meets world_gif

I emailed him (after asking a few questions, all of which he answered PERFECTLY) and said…


I am now beyond proud to say that I am represented by…


Amazing, right? I’ve been fangirling for the last few days. 🙂

Before I go, I just want to say thank you thank you thank you to: my dad and my sister, my wonderful and supportive boyfriend Patrick, my lovely grandmother Nonie, my amazing CPs (Juliana L. Brandt, Charlie Holmberg, Karma Brown, Stacey Trombley, Roselle Kaes, among many others who read snippets along the way–Jaye! Ashley! Cat!), my Pitch Wars mentors (Lindsay and Sean) and Brenda Drake for running Pitch Wars! THANK YOU!!


15 Responses to Big News…Biggest News Ever….I HAVE AN AGENT!


    I knew it was only a matter of time before you got an agent, and Jim is awesome! I hope you have a great working relationship together!

  2. I can’t believe it!!!! Well I can, but congrats! CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! Such big news, and it’s about time!!

  3. Shari Green says:

    This is so fantastic!!! Huge congratulations to you and Jim! And good luck to your awesome-sounding “dark, twisty little book” — may it find a wonderful home very soon! 😀

  4. Diana Urban says:

    YAY! I’m so excited for you, Lauren. I’m eternally grateful for your help in getting my own query into tip-top shape, which helped me get an agent so quickly, so I’ve been hoping to see you announce this great news of your own. I’m so glad the time has come!!! I’ll be rooting for you, and hope to see your name in my Publishers Marketplace deals email soon. :o)

  5. LisaAnn says:

    WOOHOOOOO!!!! So excited for you… This is absolutely amazing news, and your novel sounds FABULOUS!! Congratulations to you… Time to break out the bubbly!!! 🙂

  6. Brenda Drake says:

    Congratulations! I’m so thrilled for you, and I can’t wait to hold your book one day!

  7. Leah Rhyne says:

    Congrats, love!!!! I’m SO SO SO SO SO SO happy for you!!!!!!

  8. Karma says:

    Hooray! Such excellent news, Lauren! Now the real fun begins : D

  9. Feaky Snucker says:


  10. Roselle Kaes says:


  11. Cait Spivey says:

    Wow, congrats! How exciting! Best of luck going on sub, I’ll be keeping an eye out for more news!

  12. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you, Lauren!!! Congratulations!!! And I can’t wait to read your book!!!

  13. Lauren says:

    Thank you all!!!

  14. Kim says:

    This is amazing news!! (Though I’m late to it, oops!) Congratulations!!

  15. OMG! I’m so sorry I missed this! I’ve been so out of the loop lately! THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING NEWS!! Jim is an amazing agent and I’m so crazy happy for you! EEP!

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